The Youth Junction Inc became an incorporated society in 1999 and by 2007 was an umbrella organisation for a range of coordinated and integrated services to meet the needs of young people aged 12 to 25 years based out of the Visy Cares Hub in Sunshine, focusing on early intervention. The service has taken an eclectic approach to its Committee of Management. Over the following years it has benefited from the support and advice of the police, the judiciary and key tertiary an educational institutions. All participants have had a Western Melbourne flavour.
In the years since the Youth Junction has carved out a space linked to the lead tenancy of the Visy Cares hub, and a recognised expertise in crime prevention support services for those aged 12-25 in Western Melbourne competing in a space where a number of similar services lie. The Hub comprises of 12 essential and well networked not-for-profit youth services with 20 programs offered.
We work with and for vulnerable Victorian young people to support choices in education and employment, and the reduction of disadvantage. We identify and advocate around systemic blockages and work to support systemic literacy in young people through a range of collaborative, innovative and integrated service responses. This work includes our current activities but we acknowledge that the needs of this cohort are changing and evolving, and that we will need to evolve with them.
Our Values
Innovative – We are innovative and creative in the way that we talk, work and act to bring into being world-class solutions for services to young people
Compassionate – We show empathy and generosity in our words, actions and direction
Collaborative – We build trust and work collaboratively alongside young people, and our broader community
Empowering – We know that great outcomes are built on growth and the sharing of skills
Accountability – We are each responsible for our actions, behaviours and decisions and have a part to play in the success of our organisation and community