We all make mistakes, but did you know some fines can be worked off through participation in upskill programs? Let The Youth Junction show you how.
Work and Development Permit
The Youth Junction Inc. is an accredited organisation under the Fines Victoria – Work and Development Permit scheme.
Therefore, eligible young people who have completed an assessment with a Case Manager at The Youth Junction Inc. may be able to “work-off” their fine debt by participating in one of our upskill programs including:
- Barista workshops
- Barber program
- Homebase Cooking Workshops
Please see our Free Workshops page on the website for more information.
Each type of up-skill program has an hourly work-off rate. The work-off rate determines the amount that the fine debt is reduced based on the hours completed on one of the above programs.
Please discuss with a Case Manager to see if you are eligible or email info@youthjunctioninc.net.au