Project Action Group
A key part of the initiative involves the establishment of an Action Group, which includes a diverse group of community stakeholders. The Action Group forms the decision-making body for approving the allocation of funds to activities to be delivered within the broader initiative. The Action Group consists of representatives from: The Youth Junction, Brimbank City Council, West Justice, Centre for Multicultural Youth, Victoria Police, Department of Justice and Community Safety, Department of Education and Training, AAFRO, IPC Health, Cohealth, Charis Mentoring, and local schools.
A key part of the initiative involves the establishment of an Action Group, which includes a diverse group of community stakeholders. The Action Group forms the decision-making body for approving the allocation of funds to activities to be delivered within the broader initiative.
The Action Group aims to maximise the life potential of young people in Brimbank by connecting and reconnecting them to culture, community, school, family, economy and reduce pathways into the youth justice system.
Following further community consultation in 2021, the Project Action Group is now working to identify projects or activities that it can support to achieve its goals and the broader program objectives.